Jumat, 24 Mei 2013

Directioner Fact

Diposting oleh Juliana Nurhandika di 23.45
This is Fact about Directioner, fans of One Direction. Hope you like it :)
  1. When we were saw cute pict of One Direction, we'll scream or save the pict with format "My Boys", "My Boyfriends", "One Cute Direction" or absurd name more.
  2. When we were saw One Direction with their girlfriend. We are jealous. Super duper jealous.
  3. Setiap ada lagu baru pasti langsung berburu link. 
  4. Ingin mengoleksi seluruh merchandise One Direction.
  5. Always dreaming about One Direction, for example sometimes we were dreamed become girlfriend of 1/5 member One Direction. Actually, that's imposible.
  6. Setiap ada lagu baru langsung dihafalin setiap liriknya. Kalau butuh lirik langsung googling.
  7. Exited if we were saw One Direction on television channel. 
  8. Jika kita ketinggalan satu berita tentang One Direction kita merasa sangat kuno. 
  9. Exited if we heard One Direction won on Award's.
  10. We hate people who bullying One Direction or Direction.
  11. We feel other Directioners are family.
  12. Always listening song of One Direction everyday, everywhere and everytime.
  13. Hafal semua suara member One Direction saat bernyanyi.
  14. Kami bangga dengan 1D karena mendapatkan Guinnes World Records 2013, as First UK group to debut No. 1 in USA with debut album. :D
  15. Kalau belom dapet lagu 1D terbaru, ngerasa kurang up to date.
  16. Selalu buka youtube and searching about 1D funny moments, video diaries and their perfomance.
  17. Everyday alwats searching news, info or fact about One Direction.
  18. Ingin di folback semua member 1D. But, so hard to got it. 
  19. Selalu menghargai yang bukan Directioners. 
  20. Kadang suka membuat fanfiction tentang 1D dan jadi peran utamanya :)
Thanks to read this fact. This fact so true, right?

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